Rockstar Director, Artist & Writer Jon Schnepp made a surprise guest host appearance at a last minute "Movie Knights" event that we put on for our friends who came up for the APE convention (Alternative Press Expo). Jon Schnepp, who has directed The Venture Bros, Metalocalypse and dozens of other projects, blessed us with a special little eye-baby that melted our insides with joy. I can't tell you much about the secret eyegasm he showed the crowd, because Jon might murder me with his face, but I can say, if you ever get a chance to see anything called "They Coming," and it has Jon Schnepp's name anywhere near it, then you should do so pronto. Because they coming to make you smile.
Stay tuned as this Wednesday, Movie Knights will be co-hosted by artist Dave Correia and we will be showing "THE THING"!!!
Until then, check out some pics from our insane turnout for last night's "MOVIE KNIGHTS"!
Sean Leopard, the manager of the Zerofriends SF store, Guest of Honor JON FUCKING SCHNEPP, and a dumpy guy with a new dog.
Hey, what is Sean Cruise doing here? I haven't seen him in 4 days.
I tried not to get nervous when I was introducing Jon to the audience, so I asked him "What is your favorite number between 1 and 3?"
Interestingly enough, he said "TWO!", and then we watched….
And so then we ate THEY PIZZA.
And took THEY LSD!
And made so much love with THEY DOG!
And said "oh my god THEY PRETTY!"
I got to throw my jealous arm around Awesome artist-extraordinaire Tom Haubrick who came to hang, as did his partner in crime artist Ken Garduno, who I think got photoshopped out of this picture but i don't know HOW!
Myself (with Tarman chest), Jon Schnepp and his beautiful girlfriend Holly Payne. Triple-side-hug
Speaking of Tarman, after we ate pizza, dropped LSD and played with imaginary dogs, I got to introduce and show one of my favorite zombie movies of all time, Return of the Living Dead!!! So much funs.
Then I quickly ran outside and gave Jon the Business pages so he could GIVE SOMEONE THE BUSINESS! (This picture is for you, Gary, and it might be my nerdiest reference ever made publicly)
And AESOP LICK showed up to make sure the PH levels on my head were ok. They were a little low.
Like Chris Pontius' penis, The Zerofriends crew was full swing.
As was the entire crowd. Thank you everyone who came out to support the night. See you Weds!