If you missed the releases, you can still buy the Walrus Rider in select stores, or thru the Loyal Subjects (LoyalSubjects.com) or thru Upper Playground (upperplayground.com).
A HUGE HUGE, MILEY-CYRUS-MOUTH-SIZED THANK YOU to everyone at Upper Playground, The Loyal Subjects, and Munky King for making these events happen and for helping create the Walrus....
Heres a little selection of some photos from the events:

My good friends over at TOYBREAK (a cool, fun Toy Review show) came by the LA signing and ended up reviewing the Walrus Rider on their latest video episode which i embedded below. "Embedding" kind of implies that I forced this video into bed, which, for the record, maybe i DID. but who cares. Check out the review and checl out some of their other episodes OVER AT TOYBREAK