For the last 2 months, on top of some other really exciting projects that I have been lucky enough to have had a hand in, like the CAGE VIDEO my new art book (coming soon, but it's finally done), opening up the Zerofriends stores, and MY ART-BASED IPHONE APP, I have been quietly working amongst the late late hours of the night doing something a little unconventional, at least for me and my complete A.D.D riddled brain-thing. I have been dreaming. And imagining. Ok maybe getting lost with my head in the clouds in the middle of the night isn't THAT unconventional for me, but the bi-product of it IS, because those late nights, for once in my life, were FOCUSED. I somehow was able to throw away every little stressful thought ranging from "oh no i accidentally gave out my phone number on twitter again" or "why am I still heavy, i ATE A VEGETABLE ONCE!" to "dang. the robots are winning. I swear in 5 years we ARE going to be slaves. Flight of the Conchords was RIGHT!" and direct my brain in one single direction: Creating an entire new body of work that would be different from anything that I have done before. So for 2 months, every night, I completely conceptualized, wrote, scribbled, destroyed, re-scribbled, re-wrote, and re-thought out a brand new body of work that I am more than excited to debut at COREY HELFORD GALLERY in LA on Jan 8th, 2011.
The show is titled "VERTIGO" and there is a very specific reason for the title. I will share more info about the direction, concepts, and visuals behind the show soon, but mark your calendars now because I promise you, that for the next 42 days, I am not sleeping, and on Jan 8th I will show you something…..fun:)
Meanwhile, have some fun and try to imagine what a particular type of nightmare (like falling, or losing teeth) would look like if it existed as a physical manifestation and could walk and talk. Got it? Good. See you soon. I gotta get back to work!