The time is almost here.
I leave tomorrow to officially begin an intense setup for our first ZEROFRIENDS retail location, and in a dream (although no doubt freezing) location in NY to boot!
Right in the East Village, and almost rubbing shoulders with the nice folks at the Giant Robot Store, lies our little lair of fun and magic.
This is a little experiment of ours that could not have been possible without the support of Upper Playground. (upperplayground.com)
Our Zerofriends retail store will only be open in NY from Jan 30 - April 30, and then we plan on doing a few more of these little retail pop-up spots in different cities in the future, so please go in and show your support and convince us to keep doing it, as sometimes our self-esteem rivals that of Amy Winehouse and Eeyore combined:)
I will be doing a little signing/appearance on our opening day alongside a new print release. Here is the info:
437 East 9th Street
New York, NY 10009-4935
OPENING JAN 30, 2010 - APRIL 30, 2010.
Store Hours: 11 am - 7 pm Daily.
Come stop by and say hi. We are super easy to find as we are right next to a door that says "DICK CHICKEN":)

Somewhat Grand Opening Info:
JANUARY 30th 11-7.
Alex Pardee (ME!) will be signing/appearing Jan 30, from 1pm-3pm.
(I'll sign anything you want to. Well, almost anything. Your herpes might be hard to sign, but I might at least try to if you wanted me to:)
SPOILER ALERT! I'll probably look like this from this angle

Also, at the opening, Zerofriends will be releasing a new limited edition print from my popular "MARROW" Series of paintings from my "HIDING FROM THE NORMALS" art show, which revolved around found evidence of a hidden society of deformed beings who live under the earth. Print info: (a colon within a colon??! I'm either blowing my own mind or incorrectly writing)
"MINNIE" Giclee Art Print
By Alex Pardee
16 x 20 on Velvet Cotton Rag
Limited Edition of 50
Signed and numbered by Alex Pardee

And...a detail:

And some of the evidence of Minnie's existence, including her home-made mask and Detective William Dekker's journal entry.

The above journal entry reads:
Embracing the true spirit of Halloween, friendship, and fun, Minnie is the epitome of what a lot of the inhabitants of The Marrow really are. Minnie was raised until her early teens in the Upper World. Her parents weren't as cruel as some of the other Rejects' parents and they did not outcast her when they realized just how physically different from the Normals she was. Instead, they did the best they could to integrate her into Normal society. It worked for a while, but other children are cruel, and eventually it was too much to handle and Minnie was taken out of public schooling. Shortly after, both her parents died in a car accident while she was asleep in the back seat. First put in a foster home, then abandoned and forced to live on her own, she continued to get ridiculed by the Normals. If my research is correct, Bagger Vance was the "angel" who took her by the hand and led her to The Marrow, where she started over.
Minnie's a child at heart, a lover of festivities, a craftswoman, a collector, and a friend. She, like Brella, seems to like sneaking out of the Marrow and attempting to join in some festivities of the Normals, perhaps to try to relive some moments of celebration that she experienced when she was younger. Unfortunately, though, no matter how many "pretty" masks she adorns her head with, she doesn't seem to mesh well with the Normals. Just like the incidents that occurred when she was little, the Normals harassed and ridiculed her, forcing her, in tears, back down into The Marrow. Yet still, she doesn't hate the Upper World. She is beautiful."
Hope to see you there!!!