Sunday, January 24, 2010


The time is almost here.
I leave tomorrow to officially begin an intense setup for our first ZEROFRIENDS retail location, and in a dream (although no doubt freezing) location in NY to boot!
Right in the East Village, and almost rubbing shoulders with the nice folks at the Giant Robot Store, lies our little lair of fun and magic.
This is a little experiment of ours that could not have been possible without the support of Upper Playground. (
Our Zerofriends retail store will only be open in NY from Jan 30 - April 30, and then we plan on doing a few more of these little retail pop-up spots in different cities in the future, so please go in and show your support and convince us to keep doing it, as sometimes our self-esteem rivals that of Amy Winehouse and Eeyore combined:)
I will be doing a little signing/appearance on our opening day alongside a new print release. Here is the info:
437 East 9th Street
New York, NY 10009-4935
OPENING JAN 30, 2010 - APRIL 30, 2010.
Store Hours: 11 am - 7 pm Daily.
Come stop by and say hi. We are super easy to find as we are right next to a door that says "DICK CHICKEN":)

Somewhat Grand Opening Info:
JANUARY 30th 11-7.
Alex Pardee (ME!) will be signing/appearing Jan 30, from 1pm-3pm.
(I'll sign anything you want to. Well, almost anything. Your herpes might be hard to sign, but I might at least try to if you wanted me to:)
SPOILER ALERT! I'll probably look like this from this angle

Also, at the opening, Zerofriends will be releasing a new limited edition print from my popular "MARROW" Series of paintings from my "HIDING FROM THE NORMALS" art show, which revolved around found evidence of a hidden society of deformed beings who live under the earth. Print info: (a colon within a colon??! I'm either blowing my own mind or incorrectly writing)

"MINNIE" Giclee Art Print
By Alex Pardee
16 x 20 on Velvet Cotton Rag
Limited Edition of 50
Signed and numbered by Alex Pardee

And...a detail:

And some of the evidence of Minnie's existence, including her home-made mask and Detective William Dekker's journal entry.

The above journal entry reads:

Embracing the true spirit of Halloween, friendship, and fun, Minnie is the epitome of what a lot of the inhabitants of The Marrow really are. Minnie was raised until her early teens in the Upper World. Her parents weren't as cruel as some of the other Rejects' parents and they did not outcast her when they realized just how physically different from the Normals she was. Instead, they did the best they could to integrate her into Normal society. It worked for a while, but other children are cruel, and eventually it was too much to handle and Minnie was taken out of public schooling. Shortly after, both her parents died in a car accident while she was asleep in the back seat. First put in a foster home, then abandoned and forced to live on her own, she continued to get ridiculed by the Normals. If my research is correct, Bagger Vance was the "angel" who took her by the hand and led her to The Marrow, where she started over.
Minnie's a child at heart, a lover of festivities, a craftswoman, a collector, and a friend. She, like Brella, seems to like sneaking out of the Marrow and attempting to join in some festivities of the Normals, perhaps to try to relive some moments of celebration that she experienced when she was younger. Unfortunately, though, no matter how many "pretty" masks she adorns her head with, she doesn't seem to mesh well with the Normals. Just like the incidents that occurred when she was little, the Normals harassed and ridiculed her, forcing her, in tears, back down into The Marrow. Yet still, she doesn't hate the Upper World. She is beautiful."

Hope to see you there!!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Zerofriends, as an impressive clan of Death Knights (and art-based merchandise creators) has been spending countless hours slaying Bog Beasts and Quilboars, and finally, WE ARE LEVELING UP!!!

In an exciting advancement in our social networking, ZEROFRIENDS is officially opening a RETAIL STOREFRONT in NEW YORK!!!
Thanks to the fine folk at Upper Playground, Zerofriends will be temporarily taking over the Upper Playground NY Retail location from Jan 30 thru April 30!!

What does that mean?
Well, it means that we now have more Hit Points, more Mana, better armor, and more fun.
It also means that if you live in the NY area, you can get a chance to check out our stuff in person, as we will be taking over the entire store and we will have everything that is available online in the store, plus some secret extra stuff from time to time. We will be carrying a few extra items from some of the other Zerofriends artists like Skinner & Craola, along with some original art, prints, shirts, and all that other soft stuff that we sell. Also we hope to be hosting a couple of cool little events during our stay in New York.

As of now, we are going to be having a small opening event on Saturday, January 30, where I will be signing for a couple of hours and hanging out all day hoping to meet some folk that might be nice enough to welcome us to the neighborhood:) More specific info will come soon!!!

Here is the information about the store, which Sean Leopard, above, can be seen and stalked 24 hours a day after we open, as he is the new leader of our NY clan and will assist you with all of your retail needs, unless those needs are involved with anything bathroom related:

437 East 9th Street
New York, NY 10009-4935

"But wait...that's not ALL!!!"

To show everyone that even if you don't live in NY to check out the store, you still deserve to witness some new ONLINE AWESOMENESS for your eyeballs courtesy of Zerofriends Film's director Stephen Reedy (director of the Winter Stalker)!
Check out this new "Bloodier-Than-Hostel" beautiful creepy short Zerofriends spot Written and Directed by Stephen Reedy! And, much like the cool contest we had alongside the Winter Stalker, I encourage you to pay close attention to this video as there will be another, WAY DIFFERENT, contest with a cool prize getting announced around February 4:)
Until then... ENJOY THE FILM!!! Hope to see you in NY!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Team Conan Charity Update

As you may have heard or seen, last week I released a new print and shirt through Zerofriends, which is a company I am a co-owner of, in support of Conan O'Brien being stripped of his Late Night show, and we (Zerofriends) are donating a percentage of the profits to help the victims and families of the devastating earthquakes in Haiti. To see the original release post, you can click here.
(direct link to original post: )

A day after we released the shirt and announced that we were donating to Yele-Haiti, that particular charity organization became under fire for some allegations as to their honesty and intentions. Regardless of the validity of those allegations, it should be known that the Zerofriends team is truly devoted to giving back to those in need of help after the devastating earthquake in Haiti. It is through this undying compassion to provide relief, paired with any questions that may arise over the alleged accusations in the Yéle Haiti organization that we have decided to instead donate the proceeds from the Team Conan merchandise to the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund. While we understand the majority of negativity toward this organization lies within the Bush name, we do know – after much research – that it is in fact undeniably credible and is undoubtedly devoted to supporting those affected by the disaster.
Myself, along with the whole Zerofriends team, encourage everyone to do what he or she can to give back in any way they know how.
If you’re interested in looking into the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, please visit

 From the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund:
“On January 12, a magnitude 7.0 earthquake struck Haiti just outside the capital city of Port-au-Prince. The devastation – in lives lost, property destroyed, and families displaced – is immense.
At the request of President Obama, we are partnering to help the Haitian people reclaim their country and rebuild their lives.
Our immediate priority is to save lives. The critical needs in Haiti are great, but they are also simple: food, water, shelter, and first-aid supplies. The best way concerned citizens can help is to donate funds that will go directly to supplying these material needs.
Through the Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, we will work to provide immediate relief and long-term support to earthquake survivors. We will channel the collective goodwill around the globe to help the people of Haiti rebuild their cities, their neighborhoods, and their families.
We ask each of you to give what you can to help ensure the people of Haiti can build back stronger and better than ever.”

Check out the pics of the TEAM CONAN items, and click on any of the pics to view & purchase!
Direct link to purchase the TEAM CONAN PRINT:
Direct link to purchase the TEAM CONAN SHIRT:


Alex Pardee

Friday, January 15, 2010

High Fives, Conan Support, and HELPING HAITI!!

Hello all.
I will keep this short and sweet. Though I haven't caught the show as often as I would have liked to over the years, there is no question that Conan O'Brien. with his offbeat, awkward, smart and hilarious rise to Late Night stardom, is one of our generation's most consistently perfect comedic personalities. His Late Night show, I'm sure in more ways than one, influenced my love for nonsensical humor in the 90's, with characters like Pimpbot 5000, R2-Mr.T2, Triumph, & The Masturbating Bear, there wasn't much on network television that was so blatantly DUMB, while being simultaneously INTELLIGENT somehow. So yes, I am officially on TEAM CONAN. To see someone work so hard to finally reach his goal deservedly and almost immediately get that trophy stripped away because of other people's poor decisions is a little heart-wrenching. So, just to show a little support, I wanted to do a fun little drawing to pass around that combines both my support and love for Conan, as well as a little nod to ANOTHER icon that molded my artistic view in the 80's and 90's: VCJ's "THE RIPPER". The Ripper, along with VCJ's other skateboard art pretty much DEFINED skateboard art alongside Santa Cruz artist Jim Phillips. If you aren't familiar with THE RIPPER, check out this video of an entire art show dedicated to it:

Anyway, I am rambling.
So yah, I drew this little Team Conan drawing to let off a little steam. While I was doing so, the earthquakes hit Haiti. There is no joke or lighthearted comment that can make the dire situation in Haiti seem any less catastrophic than it is. But there is always a little that we can do to help out those in need from afar in a tragedy like this. So, in a small attempt at trying to help out a little bit, I decided to print up this TEAM CONAN design on shirts and prints, and then we (ZEROFRIENDS) will donate a portion of the profits to YELE-HAITI ( ), an amazing organization that is helping out the current situation in Haiti more than we can imagine. So please pick up one of these items and A) show your support for CONAN! and B) Know that some of your hard-earned money is going to help out a little bit;)
Additionally, you can help out more than this by visiting YELE's website and donating there as well! It's easy. Just click this banner!:

Check out the pics of the TEAM CONAN items, and click on any of the pics to view & purchase!
Direct link to purchase the TEAM CONAN PRINT:
Direct link to purchase the TEAM CONAN SHIRT:


Alex Pardee

Thursday, January 14, 2010

"Best Friends Forever" Show TOMORROW!

Tomorrow night, I have a custom-painted mannequin in a group show in a really cool new gallery space in Los Angeles. If you are around the area tomorrow night, check it out. Other amazing artists like Dave Correia, Robert Bowen, VIc Back, and others are in it too. And yah, Dave Correia basically took everything thats cool about sci-fi (the genre not the channel) and combined it all to make the best thing ive ever seen. worth a trip to LA by itself. Trust me.
Heres the info and my sloppy woman:)
"Best Friends Forever"
Jan 15th, 7Pm - Midnight.
R&R Gallery
929 East 2nd St Suite 106
LA, CA 90012

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Yoko is always right. Especially in this case. As of Sunday, Jan 10, 2010, our huge print sale will be over and the prints will be back up to regular price. In case you missed it, there are still some really great deals going on, as a lot of our limited, signed & numbered prints are almost 40% off of the regular price. Click HERE to check out the selection, or go directly to the site at

Thank you all for the support:) We (meaning Yoko, Ghost John, & I) appreciate it.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


This Friday, at GALLERY 1988 LA, a huge group art show opens in tribute to EASILY the best toy line and cartoon of the 80's. Hands down. Call me if you want to argue. I probably won't answer but it doesn't matter. Me not answering still means you lose the argument. Anyway, I did a portrait of an aging Skeletor, and a handful of little watercolor portraits of some of my favorite villains from the series (seen above). And there are about 100 other artists in the show, its going to be ETERNIA-LY epic. See what i did there? Hell ya.

Here's the info on the show. You should go. The end.

January 8, 2010, 7-10 PM
Gallery1988 Los Angeles
7020 Melrose Ave.
Los Angeles, CA 90038
(323) 937-7088
All ages. No admission charge.