What's the best thing about running an online business during an economy like this? I mean, aside from the overwhelming number of PHP Groupies and Hypertext chicks that flock to us because of our integrated shopping cart coding? Well, the best thing about this type of business is that we can have a BLACK FRIDAY SALE ON A BROWN THURSDAY and get this SHIT goin EARLY!!
That's right, an entire day before some of you hoarders line up at Wal-Mart to get a free pair of the wrong sized shoes when you buy a 30 dollar flat screen, you can ON-LINE UP at Zerofriends.com and check out the new (temporary) slashed prices on over 20 Different Signed Limited Giclee Prints. As an appreciation to everyone who has supported us this year (which has been huge thanks to you), we have temporarily reduced the prices to some of our most popular prints by almost 40% off of the original price!
(*Cue the Sham-Wow whore-punching guy now, stage left)
"And THAT'S NOT ALL! Hate spending money, even on stuff that's on sale, and NOT getting FREE SHIT??!! Well, so do I! That's why I have convinced the handsome (kinda) guys over at Zerofriends to throw in something FREE with ANY print purchase!!! Want a print of a guy with a hand for a head??!! FREE EXTRA PRINT! Want a print of a gay monster?!! WHAM! FREE EXTRA PRINT! There is NO escape from a bombardment of FREEEEEEEE! I know you are saying "Well, Sham-Wow Whore-Puncher, free is good and all, but what exactly am I getting free??" Good thing you asked, asshole! Let me tell you! What you will be getting is ONE of ONE HUNDRED individually signed and numbered, 8' x 10' exclusive Giclee print of Alex Pardee's painting "They Have Always Been Here", which looks like THIS!!!"

So yah, let me re-cap what that crazy whore-hitter said.
1. Go to Zerofriends.com now.
(YOU CAN CLICK HERE TO GO DIRECTLY NOW!)2. Look at the 30-40% temporary price reduction on over 20 limited prints!
3. Purchase ANY print (it doesn't have to be one of the sale items) and recieve, along with your order, ONE free signed & numbered print (limited edition of 100)!*
*Limit of ONE free print per HOUSEHOLD. While supplies last.
Oh, and while you are looking around the site, check out THESE NEW HOODIES WE JUST GOT IN TIME FOR THE WINTER HOLIDAYS!!!
The design that Greg Simkins & I did is now available on the back of a hoodie in 2 different colors and has 2 huge "Scared Friends" logos EMBROIDERED on the front! They turned out amazing. check em: CLICK THE PICS TO PURCHASE


Direct link to view/purchase the SCARED FRIENDS HOODIE NAVY BLUE:
Direct link to view/purchase the SCARED FRIENDS HOODIE SLATE:
Another of my faves, my Father Killer image printed on back, and a dope hand-written ZF logo EMBROIDERED on the front! Check it.


Direct link to view/purchase the FATHER KILLER Hoodie:
Lastly, 2 new prints are available. One was previously an Upper Playground Exclusive but we found a few left, and the other is a brand new print thats never been previously released! Here they are

Anyway, why are you reading this far down?? Everything might actually be gone if you spend any more time reading my meandering banter!! So, in closing, HAPPY THANKSGIVING FROM ALL OF US HERE AT ZEROFRIENDS! WE ARE DEFINITELY THANKFUL FOR EVERYONE OF YOU. Yes, even YOU, guy-who-hates-us-publicly;)
Thank you,