Everyone knows what the San Diego Comic Con is. If you don't, you probably don't know that Chris Brown's still a dick and E.T. went home years ago.
If you AREN'T going to Comic Con, none of this really matters right now anyway because it's been sold out since like, a year before the Space Shuttle retired and whole world suddenly cared about Instagram and Bigfoot hunting.
But if you ARE going, and you aren't too exhausted from seeing Harry Potter for the 4th time or hungover from your Uncharted 3 Beta tournament, please come by my ZEROFRIENDS BOOTH (#5502) and witness all of the BRAND NEW & EXCLUSIVE artifacts of awesome that we are unveiling onto your faces (pending the correct exchange of moneys of course:).
Which reminds me, by the way, this is the first year that we will be ACCEPTING ALL MAJOR CREDIT CARDS AT THE CONVENTION BOOTH! So no need to stand behind the Chubby Green Lantern at the ATM for an hour this time! Congrats, US! Now lets get on with the INTERNET UNVEILING!!! Start making your checklist now!

BEFORE YOU GET STARTED, PLEASE NOTE: Our booth number is 5502/5503, which, logically, would be in the 5500 aisle. HOWEVER, there IS NO 5500 aisle. Instead, the 5500 aisle is the FRONT ROW OF BOOTHS. See above, we are actually located in the FRONT RIGHT CORNER of the convention center, in row 500/400!! If you get lost, refer to that awesomely clear (with cool font) map above.
We have a ton of new products and promotions being unleashed at the convention, which i will get into below (you can skip down if you are impatient:), but first, here is a little info about my PERSONAL appearance schedule:
I'll mostly be signing at the ZEROFRIENDS booth, but I will be doing a couple additional signings so please take note below:
THURSDAY, July 21: 2 PM, ALEX PARDEE signing at HI-FRUCTOSE BOOTH #4939 (Releasing EXCLUSIVE WOOD PRINT, see below)
1:30 - 2:30 PM @ ZEROFRIENDS BOOTH #5502 (WITH Film Director ADAM GREEN, where we are signing and giving away FREE posters for the film project we are working on together called "DIGGING UP THE MARROW", see below)
3 - 4PM @ ZEROFRIENDS BOOTH # 5502 (GROUP SIGNING with various artists from the "CRAZY 4 CULT" Art Book, see below)
SUNDAY, July 24: 11 AM - 12 PM @ NERD HQ (upstairs) along with TEAM UNICORN, selling an exclusive print that I designed for them (see below)
Additionally, please follow
MY TWITTER for any unscheduled signings, giveaways, and secrets, as I guarantee there's at least ONE cool one!
Now, for the first time ever, Zerofriends is hosting a few GUEST SIGNINGS in collaboration with GALLERY 1988 in celebration of their amazing new art book "CRAZY 4 CULT" which WILL be available to purchase at the Zerofriends booth the entire show. The artists who are signing are going to be rotating but just of the people that will be signing with us for this special release are:
Luke Chueh, Scott C, Eric Tan, Myself, NC Winters, & MORE!
Here are the times for the CRAZY 4 CULT book signings:
FRIDAY, July 22: 3 - 4 PM @ ZEROFRIENDS BOOTH #5502 (I'll be present for this one for sure)
SATURDAY, July 23: 10:30 AM - 11:30 AM @ ZEROFRIENDS BOOTH #5502
SUNDAY, July 24: 3 - 4 PM @ ZEROFRIENDS BOOTH # 5502
Now that we have that out of the way, here is all of the madness that we are releasing upon your gorgeous face-headlights. Pay close attention, I'm only going to say it once, and then probably a thousand more times on my
Up first, COMIC CON EXCLUSIVES! (These are limited editions, are being released at Comic Con and IF we have any leftover after the convention we will put them for sale on our store but they will never be reprinted in these specific styles once the first edition is sold out):

In an homage to the Ultimate American Superhero, this is an exclusive new colorway (completely re-colored) of my popular poster image that I created last year for Quentin Tarantino's "INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS". 17" x 22". Signed by me, Limited to 100. $60.00 EACH.

A re-release of one of our favorite shirts, in a classic 90's comic book colorway. Sizes XS thru XXL, Limited Edition of 150, $35.00 each, hand signed inside the collar by me.

Another classic Zerofriends shirt, out of print for 2 years, being re-released in GLOW IN THE DARK INK! So much fun at Raves, power outages, seances, and the future apocalypse. Sizes XS thru XXL, Limited Edition of 150, $35.00 each, hand signed by me.

"IT'S TUPAC CAT, BITCH!" Sculpted & Designed by maniac
JAY 222 (who sculpted my MOLAR BEAR, and who will be floating around the convention also so hunt him down), this fun rendition of my
TUPAC CAT Character is available in 75 COMPLETELY UNIQUE, DIFFERENT, HAND PAINTED & EMBELLISHED VARIATIONS! No 2 are alike. Some are magical some are gangster, and some are downright SCARY (see the ZOMBIE one in that photo??). Make sure you come around the booth a few times throughout the convention as we will only be putting out a handful of these a day! And as a special bonus, anyone that buys one of these rare gems will get a FREE mini-book by ME and my good friend PHOTOSHOP featuring the adventures of Tupac Cat!
LIMITED TO 75, $70.00 EACH + FREE Mini Book!

The "MY FAVORITE MONSTERS" Series is one of my favorite projects as I continue to dive into my childhood and scribble perfectly accurate renditions of my favorite movie monsters. An exclusive addition to the "GIANT" Monsters series, here she is: "THE QUEEN ALIEN" From ALIENS. Limited Edition of 100. 8" x 10". $15.00 each, Signed by me.

and what's a giant monster without a MINI-MONSTER to make him feel even bigger?? Well, in the cutest release we will ever do, here is everyone's favorite Mogwai from Gremlins, "GIZMO" (in my sister's car). 5" x 7". Limited to 100. $10.00 each. Signed by me.

A VERY LIMITED Number of my Special Edition versions of my new art book "Awful / Resilient" will be available at Comic Con. This is the first time this version will be available and going forward, there will be sporadic chunks of them being released in small quantities, so stay tuned. This version of the book is EXACTLY the same on the inside, but each cover is numbered, signed, & HAND EMBELLISHED/PAINTED by me, and also each book comes with an exclusive signed print with purchase. When I say limited, i mean limited. The whole edition is only 250. We will be releasing about 30 of them at the convention.

The Regular edition will also be available!

It's taken me 3 years, and 3 different attempts to get this image to nicely fit on a black t-shirt because you demanded it (and because this still remains one of my favorite images) but I finally got it right! Sizes XS - 2XL. word.

"The Tourist Shirt" is dope. The end.

Remember my Ghosts of Bonerville series?? Remember when
I PAINTED A TWO-STORY TALL GHOST OF BONERVILLE!!? Well, now in the exact OPPOSITE of 2-stories, you can own these TINY SQUARE GHOSTS for only $5.00 each! (or all 5 for $20.00). Non-limited, 4" x 4". Signed by me. BONERS!

Robocop print hand-embellished by me in Robocop's own blood (no 2 prints are alike). 17" x 22". LImited Edition of 75. for $75.00 each.

A new print from my "VERTIGO" Series is being released, along with a FREE 8 x 10 "Story" about Verti Parker's adventure with this monster, "THE SKIN THIEF". 17" x 22". LImited Edition of 100. $60.00 each (includes free story print).

Inspired by my friend
CRAOLA and his show "INLE: The Black Rabbit of Death" I am releasing this print, which was displayed as part of Craola's "INLE" Show at Gallery 1988. 17" x 22". LImited Edition of 100. $45.00 each.

A new series of MINI-MONSTERS (and Donnie Darko) are being released as part of my "My Favorite Monsters" Print series to add to your collection. As usual, each one of these 5" x 7" prints are $10.00 each, or 3 for $25.00.

And OH NO! There's some new GIANT Monsters too! (well, and a LONG one:). As Usual, these 8" x 10" monster prints are $15.00 each, or 2 for $25.00.

And ALMOST lastly (yah right) some fun new 8" x 10" unlimited prints are being released, so make sure you check 'em out. 8" x 10", $15.00 each.

It went so well last year that we are doing it again! We are selling a HUGE PILE of "OOPS" Giclee prints! These prints did not meet up to our general quality standards in one way or another, whether it was slight color differences, or a bent corner, or something. They are all stamped with a nice "OOPS" stamp to assure that they are not a part of the general limited run, but aside from that, once framed, they should be just as awesome, if you like mistakes that is!
"OOPS!" Prints range from $5.00 to $15.00. We will be putting out at random about 20-30 oops prints each morning to give everyone a fair chance, as there are certainly some gems in there.

Zerofriends is proud to team up with Gallery 1988 to both sell their new amazing art book "CRAZY 4 CULT" as well as host a few signings with some of the artists (in addition to me) featured in the book. So check out the schedule above and come by, pick up the book, and get it signed by artists Luke Chueh, Scott C, Eric Tan, myself, NC Winters & MORE! Hardcover book, $35.00.
AND AS A ZEROFRIENDS EXCLUSIVE BONUS FOR COMIC CON ONLY, Each day the first 25 people to purchase the "CRAZY 4 CULT" Art Book will receive this signed mini-print designed by me for the CRAZY 4 CULT 5 art show!


And yep, the secret is out, Director ADAM GREEN ("Hatchet" / "Frozen") and myself are working on a new documentary project (but we can't talk much about it yet) and are going to be signing and giving away these FREE 11 x 17 posters at the Zerofriends booth on Friday from 1:30 - 2:30 PM!

Now, in our first official branch-collaboration, Zerofriends is proud to announce and release our "CRITICAL HIT" line, a brand new Zerofriends-line of clothes and prints from the one and only SKINNER!!! Skinner has been one of our favorite artists for some time and this whole new line of merchandise is AWESOME. Come by and see it in person and get CRITICALLY HIT WITH RADNESS. Starting after Comic Con, Skinner's CRITICAL HIT line of merch will be available online at the Zerofriends webstore.
Now we have a few additional promotions that our WONDERFUL sales staff (You know, the fabulous Sean, Brian & Darren) will be happy to remind you of if you forget, but keep these in mind:
1. Every day, the first 25 customers to $25.00 at the booth will receive a special "extra" bonus item. The item will be different each morning and will be announced each previous night.
2. Through all 5 days, if you spend $50, you can get a FREE 5" x 7" "MY FAVORITE MONSTER" print of your choice (Comic Con Exclusive GIZMO NOT INCLUDED IN PROMOTION).
3. Through all 5 days, if you spend $100, you will receive a free 8" x 10" giclee print of your choice (Exclusive ALIEN QUEEN not included) in addition to your free 5" x 7" monster print.
4. Through all 5 days, if you spend $200, in addition to the 2 free prints above, you will also receive a FREE Regular Edition of my "AWFUL / RESILIENT" art book.
Now for some of our related releases elsewhere in the Convention center!!

These fabulous birch-wood limited screenprints will be released at the Hi-Fructose Magazine booth # 4939 alongside some other amazing wood prints. I will be on hand to sign these, as well as anything else you may have on THURSDAY, JULY 21 at 2PM at the Hi Fructose Booth!

I teamed up with The Witness (Tyke) and Toynami to release a special design from their "CANMAN" Series of collectible toys. Tyke has been one of my favorite graffiti writers since the early 90's so it was awesome to team up with him on a project as cool as this. You can pick one of these quality cans up at the Toynami Booth #3229!

And for REALS lastly, we have been sitting on this for a few weeks and I am excited to finally share this with you. The coolest Geek Girls in the game,
TEAM UNICORN who you may know from their
GEEK & GAMER GIRLS Video, asked me to design something for them that would embody their spirits when they unleash themselves to the Comic Con crowd this year, so here it is. This 17" x 22" Limited Edition Giclee will be available for purchase through TEAM UNICORN, who will be hanging at NERD HQ, which will be on the upper level of the convention. I will be hanging out with them and signing these and anything else on SUNDAY, July 24 at 11AM - 12PM.
I think that's about it……maybe? Well, if you have any questions that's just more reason to go by the ZEROFRIENDS BOOTH #5502 and bug the dudes about anything and everything Zerofriends-Related.
Now I need to go finish MAKING THIS STUFF SO I'M NOT A LIAR!!! See you in a few days. And make sure you follow me on my
TWITTER so you can stay up to date on anything fun going on at Comic Con and
ADD MY FACEBOOK PAGE as I have uploaded all of these items individually so you can take a look at them a little easier.
Word, nerd!