I basically grew up in retail stores. I spent a majority of my days as a kid tagging along with my parents to malls and Mervyn's and Gemco, hiding inside the clothing racks pretending I lived in some kind of fort made from magical stretch pants and blouses, barely able to refrain myself from tugging on my mom's pant leg screaming "THIS IS SOOOOO BORING" solely because there MIGHT be a chance that we could grace the maybe-haunted TOYS R US in Concord with our presence, and a slighter, but possible, chance that I could get another Stormtrooper figure or whatever newest He-Man villain was floating there on the racks. That is, if I behaved during the madness that was Marshall's & ROSS.
My love for malls and retail stores obviously grew on me as my first, and basically only job I had as a teenager, was working at K-B Toys in one of the smallest malls in history in Antioch, CA. I worked there for 9 years and, in all seriousness, the people-watching that occurred DID inspire me both emotionally and visually more than anything I ever participated in in high school, but that's an entire other set of a hundred stories that would make CLERKS look like a fucking episode of Friends in comparison.
Anyway, it seems I can't escape the allure of a beautiful retail store atmosphere. Our first venture into the retail world was by taking Zerofriends to New York for a few months, which went over INSANELY AMAZINGLY). So now, we have come back to our home base and are jumping into one of our favorite neighborhoods in San Francisco, the Lower Haight. Joining a nice close-knit group of some great food, apparel, and art stores, like Upper Playground, 5024SF, Lower Haters & the ill BBQ spot Memphis Minnie's (sorry animals, I still like eating you for nutrition). Oh yah, and Walgreen's is right there too in case you need a lighter and some deodorant!
So yep, now you know. It's official. As of Wednesday, September 1, Zerofriends will be OPEN in San Francisco for 2 months! Here is the official info:
SEPT 1-NOV 1, 2010
248 Fillmore St (Haight & Fillmore, next to Upper Playground)
San Francisco, CA
Open Daily from 12-7PM
ALSO, (although it sounds like an oxymoron) WE ARE HAVING A SMALL-GRAND OPENING EVENT ON SATURDAY, SEPT 4 from 2-4PM. I will be hanging, signing, and making bad puns live in person. So come on down:)
And check up on the store every now and then if you are in the area, as, since it IS our homebase, we are going to have some good surprises. We have some secret artist singings & releases, movie-nights, and who knows, maybe we will just camp out there sometimes:) Hope to see you there!