Wednesday, July 28, 2010
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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Everyone knows what the San Diego Comic Con is. If you don't, you probably don't know that Mel Gibson is a dick and if you're hungry, you should eat food, not your own elbow-skin.
If you aren't going to Comic Con, it kinda doesn't matter anyway now because it's been sold out since like, a year before the whole world suddenly cared about soccer so you will no doubt miss Robert Pattinson's famous Comic Con dance.
Since it IS comic con, though, you might be able to stand out front with a plain old rock and tell someone its a prop rock from the new dumb THOR movie and trade them for a hundred dollar pass or something. So good luck!:)
Anyhooch, if you ARE going, and you're not too wasted off of free samples of Grape Crunk Juice and Code Red, then you should come by and say hi to me and the crew at the ZEROFRIENDS BOOTH!
WE WILL BE AT BOOTH #5502 & 5503 (two joint booths, one HUGE pile of fun:)

PLEASE NOTE: Our booth number is 5502/5503, which, logically, would be in the 5500 aisle. HOWEVER, there IS NO 5500 aisle. Instead, the 5500 aisle is the FRONT ROW OF BOOTHS. See above, we are actually located in the FRONT RIGHT CORNER of the convention center, in row 500/400!! If you get lost, refer to that awesomely clear (with cool font) map above.
We have a ton of new products and promotions being unleashed at the convention, which i will get into below (you can skip down if you are impatient:), but first, here is a little info about my PERSONAL appearance schedule:
I'll be attempting to PAINT LIVE at the Zerofriends booth off and on for all 5 days, and I will be doing separate designated signings a few times as well throughout the week. Here is my signing schedule:
THURSDAY, July 22: 2:00-3:00 PM @ COLOR INK BOOK Booth (BOOTH # 5569)
FRIDAY, July 23: 12:00-1:30 PM @ ZEROFRIENDS Booth (BOOTH #5502)
FRIDAY, July 23: 4:00-5:00 PM @ ZEROFRIENDS Booth (BOOTH #5502)
SATURDAY, July 24 2:30 - 4:00 PM @ ZEROFRIENDS Booth (BOOTH #5502)
SUNDAY, July 25: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM @ Munky King Booth (BOOTH # 4539) in a special group singing for Vannen Watches, with me, Brian Ewing, Chris Ryniak, Mike Mitchell & Travis Lampe.
SUNDAY, July 25: 1:00 - 2:00 PM @ COLOR INK BOOK Booth (BOOTH #5569)
Now that we have that out of the way, here is all of the madness that we are releasing upon your gorgeous face-headlights. Pay close attention, I'm only going to say it once, and then probably a thousand more times on my Twitter, HERE.

SERIES 2 OF "MY FAVORITE MONSTERS", 5" x 7"Giclee Prints signed by me. Included in set (clockwise from top left): DEXTER, CANDYMAN, PENNYWISE (From IT), TARMAN (From Return Of The Living Dead), KUATO (From Total Recall), JAWS, CHUCKIE, CARRIE, PREDATOR.
$10 each, 3 for $25, or full set for $65.
COMIC CON EXCLUSIVE LIMITED EDITION "MY FAVORITE MONSTERS" 5" x 7" Giclee Prints, both signed and numbered, limited to 100:

PREDATOR 2 (With Battle Damage): $10.

JAWS 3-D: $10

"CAPTAIN BUMOUT" Limited Giclee print, signed and numbered edition of 50. $40.
Here is a close up detail of the print:

"FULL-ON DOUBLE RAMBO" available in BOTH a 22" x17" signed giclee print, AND an insane 11-color screenprinted t-shirt!
PRINT: $20
SHIRT (Available XS-XXL): $20

Our Special ALIENS vs PREDATOR shirt will finally be available in both colors:)

HIGH FLYVE! T-shirt, $28. Here is a full look at the graphic:

Your favorite bat-guy and his friends, on your chest:)

NEW LIMITED COLORWAY SHARKASUS SHIRT! This is the first time we have done this, it's a signed, limited variation of this shirt, limited to 150 pieces. $35

$10 Each or all 6 for $50. Skinner will be floating around the con too, so look for him and hug him!
And (almost lastly), the first 100 people to buy my "SECRETS OF HOLLYWOOD" Comic (for $5.00) will receive this FREE 8" x 10" signed giclee print exposing yet ANOTHER secret about Mel Gibson:)

And wait, that's not all! Here's some more reasons to come by the Zerofriends Booth and say hi! Or HIGH. Or, like Tommy Wiseau, "Oh, hai."
1. We will have this LOYAL SUBJUECTS x ALEX PARDEE Limited Edition Walrus Rider Toy (we will only have 3 of them!) $75.00

2. Every day, the first 25 customers to buy a full size print or a full-priced t-shirt will receive a special "extra" bonus item. The item will be different each morning and will be announced each previous night.
3. Through all 5 days, every $50 that you spend, you can get a FREE "MY FAVORITE MONSTER" Print of your choice from either Series 1 or 2.
4. For the first time EVER in Zerofriends' history, we are selling a HUGE PILE of "OOPS" Giclee prints! These prints did not meet up to our general quality standards in one way or another, whether it was slight color differences, or a bent corner, or something. They are all stamped with a nice "OOPS" stamp to assure that they are not a part of the general limited run, but aside from that, once framed, they should be just as awesome, if you like mistakes that is:)
ALL OOPS PRINTS: $10 each! We will be putting out at random about 20-30 oops prints each morning to give everyone a fair chance, as there are certainly some gems in there:)

I'm getting tired of writing, and i'm sure you are getting tired of reading, so I will hurry up…..but there is STILL moreeeeeeeeeeeeee.:)
There is a cool set of old-school-inspired art "baseball" cards being released by CARDHACKS called "THE ART HUSTLE" that features a ton of art and artists, including me and my awkward neck! You should DEFINITELY check these out as they are available in random wax packs like in the old days, and there are actually ORIGINAL ART cards, as well as random signed cards inserted into some of the packs! Each artist did like 30 full original sketches to put in the packs so the chance of getting some original art is pretty high. Check these out at the DKE TOYS BOOTH (Booth #4732), and here is a little video preview of them:)

Some of the sketch-cards i did for the set.
Now, lastly lastly, I have recently become friends with the dudes over at COLOR INK BOOK, as they are super amazing dudes, and way supportive of our genre of art and subculture. They have a new issue of their sine, COLOR INK BOOK debuting at comic con with like 6 different covers by some amazing artists. They were nice enough to release 2 different covers with my art on it, as well as about 12 pages of black and white art inside the sine alongside about 100 more pages of art. Its a great book, you can check them out at BOOTH #5569, where i will also be doing a couple signings (see above). Here are the covers to look for:

Now, after-lastly, also alongside Color Ink Book, Identity Surfboards & The San Diego Blood Bank, me, Skinner, and Tado designed surfboards that are going up for auction on EBAY on Weds, July 21 at 12pm for 10 days (auctions). Here are the auction numbers for each one:
180534149096 (tado)
180534145352 (pardee)
180534147981 (skinner)
all proceeds go to the San Diego Blood Bank!! Saving lives everyday!! I will have my surfboard on display at our Zerofriends booth!

Well, my brain hurts now, thank you computer. I am leaving in about 4 hours to San Diego, and I hope to see you there!
Oh, lastly x 65, I have a something else really really cool being shown at the con, but I can't mention what it is just yet. Give me about a day or so….but maybe in case i CAN'T for some reason let you know because i'm dead or my phone leaves my face, you should check out the Warner Bros. Booth….for reals.

Everyone knows what the San Diego Comic Con is. If you don't, you probably don't know that Mel Gibson is a dick and if you're hungry, you should eat food, not your own elbow-skin.
If you aren't going to Comic Con, it kinda doesn't matter anyway now because it's been sold out since like, a year before the whole world suddenly cared about soccer so you will no doubt miss Robert Pattinson's famous Comic Con dance.
Since it IS comic con, though, you might be able to stand out front with a plain old rock and tell someone its a prop rock from the new dumb THOR movie and trade them for a hundred dollar pass or something. So good luck!:)
Anyhooch, if you ARE going, and you're not too wasted off of free samples of Grape Crunk Juice and Code Red, then you should come by and say hi to me and the crew at the ZEROFRIENDS BOOTH!
WE WILL BE AT BOOTH #5502 & 5503 (two joint booths, one HUGE pile of fun:)

PLEASE NOTE: Our booth number is 5502/5503, which, logically, would be in the 5500 aisle. HOWEVER, there IS NO 5500 aisle. Instead, the 5500 aisle is the FRONT ROW OF BOOTHS. See above, we are actually located in the FRONT RIGHT CORNER of the convention center, in row 500/400!! If you get lost, refer to that awesomely clear (with cool font) map above.
We have a ton of new products and promotions being unleashed at the convention, which i will get into below (you can skip down if you are impatient:), but first, here is a little info about my PERSONAL appearance schedule:
I'll be attempting to PAINT LIVE at the Zerofriends booth off and on for all 5 days, and I will be doing separate designated signings a few times as well throughout the week. Here is my signing schedule:
THURSDAY, July 22: 2:00-3:00 PM @ COLOR INK BOOK Booth (BOOTH # 5569)
FRIDAY, July 23: 12:00-1:30 PM @ ZEROFRIENDS Booth (BOOTH #5502)
FRIDAY, July 23: 4:00-5:00 PM @ ZEROFRIENDS Booth (BOOTH #5502)
SATURDAY, July 24 2:30 - 4:00 PM @ ZEROFRIENDS Booth (BOOTH #5502)
SUNDAY, July 25: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM @ Munky King Booth (BOOTH # 4539) in a special group singing for Vannen Watches, with me, Brian Ewing, Chris Ryniak, Mike Mitchell & Travis Lampe.
SUNDAY, July 25: 1:00 - 2:00 PM @ COLOR INK BOOK Booth (BOOTH #5569)
Now that we have that out of the way, here is all of the madness that we are releasing upon your gorgeous face-headlights. Pay close attention, I'm only going to say it once, and then probably a thousand more times on my Twitter, HERE.

SERIES 2 OF "MY FAVORITE MONSTERS", 5" x 7"Giclee Prints signed by me. Included in set (clockwise from top left): DEXTER, CANDYMAN, PENNYWISE (From IT), TARMAN (From Return Of The Living Dead), KUATO (From Total Recall), JAWS, CHUCKIE, CARRIE, PREDATOR.
$10 each, 3 for $25, or full set for $65.
COMIC CON EXCLUSIVE LIMITED EDITION "MY FAVORITE MONSTERS" 5" x 7" Giclee Prints, both signed and numbered, limited to 100:

PREDATOR 2 (With Battle Damage): $10.

JAWS 3-D: $10

"CAPTAIN BUMOUT" Limited Giclee print, signed and numbered edition of 50. $40.
Here is a close up detail of the print:

"FULL-ON DOUBLE RAMBO" available in BOTH a 22" x17" signed giclee print, AND an insane 11-color screenprinted t-shirt!
PRINT: $20
SHIRT (Available XS-XXL): $20

Our Special ALIENS vs PREDATOR shirt will finally be available in both colors:)

HIGH FLYVE! T-shirt, $28. Here is a full look at the graphic:

Your favorite bat-guy and his friends, on your chest:)

NEW LIMITED COLORWAY SHARKASUS SHIRT! This is the first time we have done this, it's a signed, limited variation of this shirt, limited to 150 pieces. $35

$10 Each or all 6 for $50. Skinner will be floating around the con too, so look for him and hug him!
And (almost lastly), the first 100 people to buy my "SECRETS OF HOLLYWOOD" Comic (for $5.00) will receive this FREE 8" x 10" signed giclee print exposing yet ANOTHER secret about Mel Gibson:)

And wait, that's not all! Here's some more reasons to come by the Zerofriends Booth and say hi! Or HIGH. Or, like Tommy Wiseau, "Oh, hai."
1. We will have this LOYAL SUBJUECTS x ALEX PARDEE Limited Edition Walrus Rider Toy (we will only have 3 of them!) $75.00

2. Every day, the first 25 customers to buy a full size print or a full-priced t-shirt will receive a special "extra" bonus item. The item will be different each morning and will be announced each previous night.
3. Through all 5 days, every $50 that you spend, you can get a FREE "MY FAVORITE MONSTER" Print of your choice from either Series 1 or 2.
4. For the first time EVER in Zerofriends' history, we are selling a HUGE PILE of "OOPS" Giclee prints! These prints did not meet up to our general quality standards in one way or another, whether it was slight color differences, or a bent corner, or something. They are all stamped with a nice "OOPS" stamp to assure that they are not a part of the general limited run, but aside from that, once framed, they should be just as awesome, if you like mistakes that is:)
ALL OOPS PRINTS: $10 each! We will be putting out at random about 20-30 oops prints each morning to give everyone a fair chance, as there are certainly some gems in there:)

I'm getting tired of writing, and i'm sure you are getting tired of reading, so I will hurry up…..but there is STILL moreeeeeeeeeeeeee.:)
There is a cool set of old-school-inspired art "baseball" cards being released by CARDHACKS called "THE ART HUSTLE" that features a ton of art and artists, including me and my awkward neck! You should DEFINITELY check these out as they are available in random wax packs like in the old days, and there are actually ORIGINAL ART cards, as well as random signed cards inserted into some of the packs! Each artist did like 30 full original sketches to put in the packs so the chance of getting some original art is pretty high. Check these out at the DKE TOYS BOOTH (Booth #4732), and here is a little video preview of them:)

Some of the sketch-cards i did for the set.
Now, lastly lastly, I have recently become friends with the dudes over at COLOR INK BOOK, as they are super amazing dudes, and way supportive of our genre of art and subculture. They have a new issue of their sine, COLOR INK BOOK debuting at comic con with like 6 different covers by some amazing artists. They were nice enough to release 2 different covers with my art on it, as well as about 12 pages of black and white art inside the sine alongside about 100 more pages of art. Its a great book, you can check them out at BOOTH #5569, where i will also be doing a couple signings (see above). Here are the covers to look for:

Now, after-lastly, also alongside Color Ink Book, Identity Surfboards & The San Diego Blood Bank, me, Skinner, and Tado designed surfboards that are going up for auction on EBAY on Weds, July 21 at 12pm for 10 days (auctions). Here are the auction numbers for each one:
180534149096 (tado)
180534145352 (pardee)
180534147981 (skinner)
all proceeds go to the San Diego Blood Bank!! Saving lives everyday!! I will have my surfboard on display at our Zerofriends booth!

Well, my brain hurts now, thank you computer. I am leaving in about 4 hours to San Diego, and I hope to see you there!
Oh, lastly x 65, I have a something else really really cool being shown at the con, but I can't mention what it is just yet. Give me about a day or so….but maybe in case i CAN'T for some reason let you know because i'm dead or my phone leaves my face, you should check out the Warner Bros. Booth….for reals.

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