Its already day 2 of a project that you
probably aren’t aware is even happening. And that’s OK, because I’m being
selfish with this project anyway. This project is for me. Over the weekend I
decided that I felt a little lost and needed to give myself a challenge to
create a new “world” in 30 days, starting with nothing more than committing to
a name of this “project”. I wrote in detail a little more about it HERE.
Long story short, over the next 30 days I’m going to try to create and
chronicle a visual world, with some narrative aspects, some silly aspects, and
basically whatever I get inspired to add to it over the course of those 30 days
in whatever form. My ultimate goal is to create an original property that has
enough substance to continue on after those 30 days in some form or another.
Worst-case scenario is that I just get a chance to draw and laugh with myself
for 30 days. I can deal with that.
I’m also going to try (given time) to
share some of my thoughts and commentary online as to how I get to some of the
decisions that I might make. It may not at all be interesting, but that’s why I
am doing it. Just to see if it helps ME to verbalize and share some decisions
and processes as I am creating them, instead of hiding out until something is,
in my eyes, “ready to share”.
So, with that being said, today is DAY
2. On DAY 1 I woke up and committed to a name for this new project, and decided
I would go from there. So for the next 28 days, I will be working exclusively
on the birthing of “THUNDER BABIES”!
This morning I woke up and had to think
(and quickly re-think) of a foundation for the Thunder Babies world. The origin
story, I guess it would be. This origin story is basically my personal art
direction as to what tone, style, and subject matter I’ll be scribbling over
the next month to inhabit this world, whatever it is, just based on the name I
chose. So here goes….
“Many millennia ago, in a desolate corner of the universe, where even
Sandra Bullock couldn’t survive, ZEUS, The God Of Thunder, was drifting
aimlessly through the cosmos after a long night of intergalactic drinking and gambling.
As usual, Zeus was drunk, lost and failing miserably at finding his way home.
Out of the corner of his one opened eye, he noticed his beautiful wife, HERA,
The Goddess of Marriage, floating amongst the stars, beckoning for him to come
to her. In a blurred, chauvinistic drunken stupor, Zeus awkwardly glided
through outer space and immediately grabbed his wife’s hips from behind her. He
closed his eyes and threw himself on her, and he proceeded to make the hardest
cosmic love to her.
However, in reality, he was NOT making love to his wife. In his
inebriated state, Zeus actually mistook the dying planet of Oo’tarus for his
very ALIVE wife, Hera. Zeus had not only cheated on his celestial life-mate
(again), but he just accidentally FUCKED A DYING PLANET! The moment he
finished, when his eyes finally opened, he realized his…mistake. Embarrassed,
sweaty, confused, and instantly hung over, Zeus glanced around the galaxy to
make sure none of his ethereal friends were watching this shameful “big bang”.
He then rewrapped his toga and drifted away into outer space, his regret-laced
vomit blanketing about 2 whole star systems. Zeus had completely abandoned
Oo’tarus after injecting millions of his deific sperms into her decayed core.
Little did he know, that in the right conditions a planet can get pregnant;
even a dying one…

A near-empty shell with a decaying crust, Oo’tarus floated alone in
space, her shriveled core filled with the sperm of the Thunder God. But after a
few years, on a night just like tonight, her crust started rumbling. Her
surface began seeping vibrant shades of green and blue and magenta and yellow,
reminiscent of before she had died. A small crack opened in her surface, and
then more cracks appeared throughout her entire crust. Moments later, after
what can only be described as “a scream so loud only a planet could have made
it”, thousands and thousands of babies popped out from the crevices all around
Oo’tarus’ surface. But these weren’t ordinary babies. Not in the least. They
were Godly babies. Galactic babies. Planetary babies. Odd babies. Mythological
the spawn of a drunken God!”
The rest is unwritten baby history… (At
least for now. I guess I have to get to work!)
…To be continued. Up next: Scribbles! Or
something else!