In case you missed it, I am heading back out to NY this week and having my FIRST solo art show in New York with all new paintings at Tara McPherson's COTTON CANDY MACHINE Gallery in Brooklyn this SATURDAY, June 9th, from 7-11 PM. (Yes, please note the opening date CHANGED!)
But, unlike anything I have ever done before, and in the spirit of my life-coach, Maury Povich, I am going to attempt to combine a completely irrelevant game show with an even more irrelevant art show!
Before you bother asking me how such silliness can be taking place, and before I apologize ahead of time for it possibly going about as smoothly as the Miami cannibal incident, I'll try to explain how it will work.
Around 7:15 on the night of the show, the first 50 people to show up to watch the game will be given a raffle ticket. We will then have a drawing to pick the contestants. There are 14 slots open to play the game. The game is simple:
I show you a silhouette, and you have to examine the silhouette and tell me if you think the actual painting behind it features a character WITH a tumor, or WITHOUT a tumor. It's easy. It goes like this:
Both winners and losers will be given out a secret specific, limited edition prize!
And after the game, all of the paintings, along with a new handful of additional paintings straight from TumorTown will all be on display.
Anyway, I was going to show you TwoMore paintings as examples, but I figured that one was enough. Hope to see you there, this SATURDAY!!The gallery will also act as somewhat of a ZEROFRIENDS pop-up store as well, as Cotton Candy Machine are a main retailer of our products and we are bringing some more stuff!