For 35 days straight, Skinner and I shacked up together, cut off the outside world, gave two shits about what anyone wanted us to paint for a new collection of pieces, and laughed our way maniacally through mutual therapy as we may or may not had been committing career suicide. And it was the best 35 days of my life.
If you hadn't been following us and have no idea what "The Butcher Kings" show is, you can read a pretty good summary of the madness leading up to the event over on my TUMBLR page HERE.
"I was offended. After viewing Pardee and Skinner's "The Butcher Kings" I swallowed half a bottle of cough syrup and slammed my dick in a window repeatedly. I highly recommend seeing this exhibit while you can." - Adam Green, Director of HATCHET, FROZEN & HOLLISTON
So Now that the first step is over, and the show has opened at Gallery 1988 in LA, we want to thank everyone for blindly supporting our annoying weirdness throughout the process. For numerous reasons, Skinner and I had always intended to try a new approach in marketing our "Butcher Kings" show, but we didn't really know what that meant at first. As the paintings started to come together, so did our cabin fever, an endless supply of in-jokes, and a sickening amount of laughter and burritos. We realized early on that there wasn't going to be one, two, or even 10 pieces of art that would represent the whole collection of work visually, so instead we just decided to focus on the madness that was developing inside of us both with photos and videos (you can watch all 5 of the "Butcher King Tapes" HERE ) as our sleep schedule got worse and our stress levels heightened as we tried to reach our goal of 80 paintings in 5 weeks. We knew it was an odd way to promote an art show without ever showing any art at all, but thanks to a lot of our friends, fans, and some really supportive websites, we were able to spread our Mort-ness to quite a few avenues and we had a really really good opening. We got great coverage on Laughing Squid, the Nerdist, Slash Film, Complex magazine, Geek Tyrant, Daily Dujour, Spanky Stokes and more! So yah, thanks again for everyone's support. Here is a gigantic random collection of photos, videos and art from both the opening and some of the days leading up to it.
And some of the original paintings and drawing (as well as a 40 page book containing a lot of the paintings) are still available to purchase online through GALLERY 1988 BY CLICKING HERE. So make sure to check it out.
"The Butcher Kings" show will be on display at Gallery 1988 in LA until Oct 29 so please please go check it out if you get a chance to. Skinner and I will officially appoint you MORT if you do so. Stay safe. word.
Oh 3 other extra little exclusive thingies:
1. Skinner & I terrorized Jensen Karp after he graciously invited us to talk about our "Butcher Kings" show on his Smodcast, "Get Up On This". I haven't listened to it yet frankly because I am a bit afraid to, but you can DOWNLOAD IT HERE OR ON iTUNES.
2. We got asked by the good folk at FUNNY OR DIE to provide some "creator commentary" on some of the Butcher King paintings, which we DID. so you can see/read that by clicking HERE or on the BANNER.
And 3. Beau Ryan, the RADNERD himself, put together a nice little "Butcher Kings Opening Night" Video for us, and it rules.
The photos below are (in no particular order) courtesy of MAGGIE WEST, TRINA CALDERON, RYAN RESCOBER, KEVIN HAYES& HAL ROTTER.
Fuck The Police.
Full Sequence
And a small selection of the artwork on display:
Wu-Tang Clown
Dr. Whoxtable
Conan L. Jackson
Captain Kirk Cobain
Columbian Meka-Neck Tie
Elephant Man-At-Arms
Macaulay Hulkin
Krispie Centipede