The whole "Tiger Blood" & "WINNING" phenomenon that our good friend and Self-proclaimed Warlock Charlie Sheen started a couple of days ago continues to skyrocket so much more than anyone could have imagined. As soon as I released my "TIGER BLOOD" PRINT THROUGH ZEROFRIENDS YESTERDAY almost immediately a bunch of celebrities and publicity agents were sending me messages, pictures, support, and coming out of the closet and exposing themselves as guilty-pleasure-Charlie-WINNERS as well. So it looks like our TEAM is EXPANDING, meaning that when we are finally all banded together by Tiger Blood, the entire world will be WINNING! Look at the roster of awesomeness that OUR TEAM has in only 24 hours!!! It's so rad!
Well, I know those can't be the ONLY famous WINNERS wandering the Earth in search of new ways to WIN. So, if you hear from any more people that out themselves as Team Sheen, Tiger Blood drinkers, spell casters, or all around WINNERS, slap this fun little WINNING hat on them and help them show their support publicly!
Click this pic to download a HIGH REZ, photoshop file that contains a transparent background so you can slap on this Tiger Blood trophy to anyone you want to! You might have to Right-click and "save as".
Here is a direct link to download the Tiger Blood hat:
HAVE FUN WINNING! Maybe submit them to my FACEBOOK PAGE
or something:)
Also, if you missed it yesterday, the good folks at UPPER PLAYGROUND are already selling my WINNING shirt! so go grab one and help your torso WIN TOO! Click the pic or CLICK HERE.